Get Office Supplies and Equipment's
The Agency is mandated for procurement, storage and distribution of stock items for re-sale (unallocated stores) to Government and Non-government institutions. The stock items for re-sale are available to all regional offices within the Tanzania mainland.
The catalogue for the year 2020/2021 includes approved list of eighty four (84) store items and supplementary list of a hundred (100) store items that are available at some of GPSA regional offices for re-sale too.
To view the stores catalogue for the year 2020/2021 please click here.
The following are the procedure to be followed by the Procuring Entities for Procurement of Stores Items including Fuel for motor vehicles, motor cycles and plants;
- The Procuring Entity should submit a letter of request to procure goods or service from the Agency i.e. stores items or fuel;
- The submitted letter (i) should identify three or more signatory who are staff of the Procuring Entity requesting to procure goods or service from the Agency. The signatory will be responsible for signing of all documents related to requesting and receiving of goods or services to be procured from the Agency;
- The submitted letter communicating the appointed signatory of the Procuring Entity should also bear their names, passport size photograph, specimen for signature and mobile number;
- The Procuring Entity will be responsible to buy a CRIN book (Combined Requisition and Issue Note) at a price of TZS 12,800/= from the Agency. The CRIN book will be used to request for bill, request for goods and services and receiving goods or services procured from the Agency;
- Any request of service or goods to be procured from the Agency should be submitted through the CRIN book and signed by the two appointed signatory communicated (iii) above;
- For goods or services the Procuring Entities will be required to deposit the amount of money equivalent to the amount of bill given before the service or goods being offered;
- All requests related to procurement of stores to Agency will be issued through CRIN.
Issued by;
Marketing and Communication Unit,
Government Procurement Services Agency, (GPSA)
11 February, 2019